Monday, September 27, 2010

House Plants, a Bird and a Hat.

My parents came and stayed with us for the weekend and good times occurred, as always. It is such a nice relief for  us to only be two hours apart, rather than 2,000+ miles, half way across the country and in a different time zone.

They came bearing lots of delicious muffins, house plants, a cute little ceramic bird decoration and a HUGE bag of Organic Basmati Rice (my all time fav.) for us. Also, they surprised me with the amazing Michael Kors peacoat I had been wanting :) 

Also, today I FINALLY picked up one of those trendy hats all the cool kids are wearing these days. I have actually been wanting one for some time now, but tend to not spend extra cash on accessories very often. This one was a perfect fit, a great color (blueish/gray), 100% wool and only $12. 


  1. haha it is nothing fancy, doesn't have any unique characteristics and is pretty standard. we ended up in a larger apartment complex with lots and lots of buildings thus explaining the lack of character. But oh well, we do have a nice patio/back yard area with lots of trees and a nice walking trail/path :)

  2. i'm following, i'm following!! i love that you're on here!! (and i love that hat!)
